How to add Custom fields in WooCommerce Checkout Form?

September 5, 2016,
How to add Custom fields in WooCommerce Checkout Form?
A conventional checkout form needs billing and shipping information from the end users, whereas to ask personal interests and the need to customize a product, merchants need additional fields. The checkout page itself comprises different sections, which require customers to enter information as they proceed to the final payment. To add custom fields in WooCommerce, a merchant can two options to avail. The first one is to install a verified plugin or hire a developer to alter the code accordingly. The addition of custom attributes to checkout pages by coding is one of the time consuming and a risky job as a minor bug can disturb the overall coding of your store. Merchants can take benefit from an extensive pool of extensions that are developed with top industry professionals to avail the functionality that is missing by default. For managing the additional attributes on the checkout process, we recommend Additional Checkout Fields by FME. Following is a simple guide that assists you in adding custom checkout fields with the help of the above-mentioned tool. Step 1: Download WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor. Step 2: Go to WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add new to install this application you have just downloaded. Add files to and click ‘Install Now'. 1 Step 3: Active the plugin soon after adding it to your store. 2 Step 4: Click on the “Checkout Fields Attributes” tab that has been added after the installation, and you will see a page that offers customization on three different steps of the Checkout process that are Billing, Shipping, and additional information. To add a custom field, simply drag a field type from the list given on the left side, and drop it to the right side. Then, configure preferences for each field type and save the settings. 3 Step 5: After creating additional attributes in the billing information section, click on the Shipping information. Here, you are also given different types of fields that can be added with a simple drag and drop procedure. 4 Step 6: In the same way, click ‘Additional information’ tab for customizing the checkout forms further. 5 Step 7: Click settings to customize the title of the ‘Additional Information’ section. 6 Step 8: After configuring the settings and options according to the ease and comfort of your business, the admin can simply review them on different checkout pages. The additional attributes will appear on Billing, Shipping, and additional information page respectively. 7 And 8 Step 9: Admin can also view the attributes on the order view page along with the details provided by customers. 9 Step 10: Customers can see the additional attributes on the Order View and Thank you page to know the fields they have selected or answered. 10 And 11 Conclusion The installation of an extension sets you free from writing a code every time you need to add a custom field. With the help of WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor, merchants can easily manage the addition and delete of additional fields on different checkout and follow up pages. It can quickly allow you to know customers preferences about specific services or personalizing the end product. To download it for free from WordPress official store click here.