How to Change the Number of Products Displayed per Page?

March 20, 2023,
How to Change the Number of Products Displayed per Page?
Hey there! So have you ever found yourself browsing an online store and thought, "I wish more products were displayed on this page"? Or maybe you thought - "The products are too many. Why too many products on this page"? Well! Here you can use the most important skill of showcasing the number of products you want to show on a single page. It determines how many products are shown on a single page of your online store. And it can be frustrating if you can't find a solution or don't know how to customize it. Therefore it's important to know how to change WooCommerce number of products per page. It’s a valuable skill to have if you want to improve your website usability as a store owner or simply if you want to optimize your shopping experience as a customer. In this guide, I will walk you through the important steps and tricks to easily change the number of products on your product page. And when the guide end, you will know exactly why it is important to change the WooCommerce number of products per page & how to make it happen.

Determining the current number of products displayed per page!

Alright! First, we need to know, “what is the current WooCommerce number of products per page?” First, you need to find the relevant settings. It all depends on the website or platform you are using. However, you can find it normally in the settings or preferences menu. It will be located under the header or footer of the page. You can also find it in account settings if you are logged in. Once you find the settings, it is time to check the number of products displayed per page. You will find it under the " Product Display " section," "Layout," or something similar. It shows the value in either words or numeric. It might be expressed as ("20" or "50") or in the form of a phrase like ("Show ten items per page"). It is important to remember the current value because you can compare it later to the new value. As a result, it will help you troubleshoot the issue if you find any. So, now that you know where to look for the displayed products per page, let's move on to the next step.

Changing the Number of Products Displayed per Page!

In this step, I will tell you how to change the product number displayed per page. Let’s do it. After checking the number of products per page, you can access the relevant settings to make the change. Once you find the settings menu, you will see a dropdown menu or input field where you can select and change the number of products you want to show on a single page. Finding the sweet spot for you might take some trial and error. It might show message errors. But it's worth it because too many products on one page make your product page overwhelming, while too few might make it tedious to hit next to browse more. Anyhow! Once you have changed it to your proffered settings, you can save the changes before exiting the menu. It is an important step because some people make the changes without saving them. Sometimes they do it again or waste time doing the entire process. Therefore hit the “save the settings” before you leave the menu. That’s it! You've successfully changed the number of products displayed per page. But before you browse your products, let's make sure that it works properly.

Testing the new number of products displayed per page

Once you have made the changes, it's time to check your new number of products displayed per page. To do it, first, you need to navigate to the product page to see. Whether it’s a specific category, or a search result, before you check it, refresh the browser to impose changes into effect. Now, take a look at the number of products displayed. or checking the homepage. It depends on what you want. Is it the same as what you selected in the settings? If so, great job, my friend! You're all set to browse to your heart's content. However, if the number of products displayed differs from what you selected, it alarms an issue. Double-check to see the changes you made and that you're on the right page for the changes to take effect. You can make further adjustments if you have trouble finding your desired results. You can select a different number of products per page or contact the platform's help center for more guidance. You can easily change the number of products displayed per page with these steps and optimize your browsing experience.

Change the Number of Products Per Page with a Plugin!

If you want an even easier method to show the desired number of products per page, consider using "WooCommerce product per page by FmeAddons" instead. It’s the handiest tool you have ever experienced, with a vast array of features and benefits it offers to WooCommerce Shop owners. It will optimize and take your customers' shopping experience to the next level. You can enable product-per-page selectors with multiple placements available and easily show the products per page according to your preferences. You can customize the columns on the shop page or set the default number of the product to show. Or you can leave the default settings and even enable cookies with a set expiration time. But why choose a Product per Page for the WooCommerce plugin? Firstly, it improves the user experience by allowing users to choose the number of products displayed on each page. It gives you more control over your browsing experience by making finding what your customers want easy. Moreover, it also enables showing fewer products per page to provide more detailed information and description for each product. As a result, It increases the visibility of products on shop pages and leads to more sales in the long run. Overall, I would say that "Product Per Page for WooCommerce by FmeAddons" is the best option you’ve got for your product per page settings. It’s a powerful and user-friendly plugin that can help you take your shop pages to the next level. So why not give it a try and see the results for yourself?

The Final Word!

In short, changing the number of products displayed per page on your WooCommerce shop is a piece of cake. However, the impact is great on your overall shopping experience for your customers. But let me recap the entire step once more in a few words. First, determine the number of products. Secondly, access the relevant settings, select your preferred number, and save the changes. That’s it! But never forget to save the changes before you check it out because you wouldn’t want to make the process pain in the a**s. If you still face any issues, don't hesitate to make further adjustments or seek help from the platform's support resources. Do it this way, or use "Product Per Page for WooCommerce by FmeAddons" instead. It will make the whole process a lot easier. It will improve your customer experience and increase your visibility on shop pages. Give it a try and see how it will work for you. Ultimately, it's all about providing the best possible experience for your customers and making it as easy as possible for them to find what they're looking for. I hope it helped, talk soon! Cheerio!