Ajax Pagination & Infinite Scrollfor Woocommerce

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Ajax Pagination & Infinite Scrollfor Woocommerce


Change the default product pagination to an infinite scrolling or an Ajax pagination. Pagination options enhance the browsing experience for customers in different ways. Using this plugin, you can replace the default WooCommerce pagination with:

  • Infinite scroll
  • Ajax pagination
  • Load More button

Customers can now view the entire product catalog without page reloads, thanks to WooCommerce Ajax pagination. Add 'back-to-top' and 'show less' buttons for a better scrolling experience.


  • Three different product loading methods
  • Choose pagination style and type
  • Add a custom "loading icon" for infinite scroll and load more
  • Enable the “Back to Top” button
  • Customization Options for Ajax, infinite and Load More button


August 23, 2023


WooCommerce version 2.6.0 or higher | Wordpress version 4.6 or higher

  • *Life Time Support
  • *45 Days MoneyBack
  • *LifeTime Updates

Ajax-based pagination

Ajax-based pagination can be replaced with classic pagination with the help of  WooCommerce to load more products. By using it, you can display more products without reloading the page. You can choose different types of pagination such as arrows and next/previous buttons, based on your requirements.

Infinite Product Scroll

With a WooCommerce infinite scroll plugin, you can show more products as people scroll down the page, instead of them having to click "next page."  You can choose how many products you want to show at first, and then set a number.  Once people scroll past that number, a button will appear at the bottom that says "Load More" if they want to see even more products.

Display Load More button

Add a WooCommerce load more products button to your store to avoid displaying all products at once or making customers go through multiple pages. With just one click, the Ajax-based button allows customers to view more products. You can even choose an icon and customize the button text.

Add a Back-to-Top icon

WooCommerce pagination plugin enables customers to easily see all the products on your site without having to scroll back up. With “back to top “button it takes customers right back to the beginning. You can customize the back-to-top button according to your preference.

Add Show Less button

When you enable the "Load More" button in the WooCommerce infinite scroll plugin, a "Show Less" button will appear. You can customize the button's text and colors to change its appearance.

Numerous Pagination Styles

The WooCommerce infinite scroll and ajax pagination plugin lets you pick different styles for how products load on the page. The following are some features that make it easier for customers to navigate through the pages of a website:

  • Highlighting selected links

  • large number of links

  • Custom input

  • Round corner pagination

  • Pagination link application

  • Simple application

  • Next and Previous links

Multiple Customization Options

The WooCommerce product pagination plugin gives you lots of customization options. It enables you to customize the color, position, product loading icons, and text for each product loading type. Moreover,  you can change the "Load More" and "Back to Top" buttons to fit your style.

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