Conditional Checkout Fields & Edit Checkout Fieldsfor Woocommerce


Conditional Checkout Fields & Edit Checkout Fieldsfor Woocommerce


Enhance Your Checkout Experience with Conditional Checkout Fields & Edit Checkout Fields

With the WooCommerce Conditional Checkout Fields plugin, you gain the ability to create new fields with conditions, automating their display across various pages and locations. Customize your checkout process by adding extra fields for specific products, categories, and user roles, allowing you to gather relevant and valuable information seamlessly.


July 20, 2020


WooCommerce version 2.6.0 or higher | Wordpress version 4.6 or higher

  • *Life Time Support
  • *45 Days MoneyBack
  • *LifeTime Updates

Plugin Features List

15 Different Field Types

Select from 15 various field types to enhance the checkout experience.


Create Custom Checkout Fields

Add new fields to capture specific information during checkout.

Edit Checkout Fields

Customize existing or new checkout fields to better suit your store's needs.

Add Field Labels & Placeholders

Customize labels and placeholders for clear customer instructions.

Assign Checkout Fields

Assign checkout fields to specific products or categories.

Assign Fields to User Roles

Assign checkout fields based on the customer's user role.

Hide Fields Based on User Roles

Restrict certain fields from appearing for specific user roles.

Add price for Field

Set additional charges for certain custom fields to boost revenue.

Apply Conditional Logic

Use conditions to dynamically show or hide fields based on customer input.


Add Custom Checkout Fields

Elevate your checkout page with additional fields using the WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor plugin. Edit, hide, delete, or add custom fields to collect valuable information seamlessly. You can add 15 types of custom fields which are:

  • Text Field

  • Text Area

  • File Upload

  • Drop-Down

  • Radio Button

  • Checkbox

  • Simple Checkbox

  • Multiple Select

  • Date picker

  • Time picker

  • Color Picker

  • Phone Number

  • Number

  • Paragraph (display only)

  • Heading (display only)

Edit Checkout Fields

Effortlessly add new fields or edit default fields with the WooCommerce Custom Checkout Fields plugin. Enable/disable custom fields, change field positions using drag-and-drop, or hide default checkout fields as needed.

Apply Conditional Logic to Display Checkout Fields

Utilize the WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor to create custom fields based on different conditions. Define condition groups to display conditional fields dynamically, enhancing your checkout experience.

Add Custom Checkout Fields to Specific Products or Categories

Tailor your checkout experience by selecting specific products or categories to display custom fields. These conditional checkout fields will only appear when the selected product is in the cart or when users are on specific pages.

Personalize Checkout Page

You can add custom fields to any section of the checkout page, including billing, and shipping. Also Customize field labels, apply field validation, and enhance the overall checkout experience for your customers.

Display Checkout Fields for Specific User Roles

With the WooCommerce Conditional Checkout Field Editor plugin, display or hide custom checkout fields based on user roles. Choose the user role for which you want to show or hide custom fields, ensuring a personalized checkout journey. You can also check out our User Role Editor.

Set Price for Each Custom Checkout Field

Maximize your revenue potential by setting a price for each custom checkout field. Charge an additional fee when customers take advantage of add-ons, increasing your store's profitability.

Show Checkout Fields in Order Details and Invoice Emails

Showcase or hide custom checkout fields in order details and invoice emails using the checkbox option. Display additional checkout fields on multiple pages, including order and My Account pages, to provide a comprehensive overview for your customers. New fields will also appear in the invoice email, ensuring transparency and clarity throughout the purchasing process.

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Frequently Asked Questions